Resident Resources in Tacoma and Pierce County

May 19, 2020

Tacoma and Pierce County Resources


Pierce County DSHS Community Services Offices (877) 501 – 2233

Program offers numerous financial assistance programs, including one known as Emergency Assistance.

Community Action Programs – Pierce County Community Services - 866-223-1359

Provides financial assistance, including housing, to low income Pierce County residents.

Metropolitan Development Council 253-597-6728

Program offers low-income housing and rent help for low-income families and individuals. Other assistance may include help with child care for homeless families, loans to pay rent as part of eviction prevention, funds for utility bills, or family counseling.

Our Lady Queen of Heaven 253-537-5266

Program is part of Saint Vincent de Paul, is a charity in the Tacoma Washington area that assists Pierce County residents with rent, utilities, bus tickets, and gas.

Tacoma Assistance Human Rights and Human Services Department (253) 682-3401

Program is a Centralized Intake Program for all Housing Related Services.

Tacoma Housing Authority (253) 207-4400
They operate low-income housing programs, provide section 8 HUD vouchers as well as other services. Section 8 from HUD is the main government rental and low-income housing program. Referrals are also given to homeless prevention, job, budget, and debt programs.

Helping Hand House (253) 682-3401.

Program offers assistance to families with children offering limited financial assistance for paying monthly rent or back rent to families with children in Pierce County. You need to have an eviction notice to apply.

Pierce County Veterans Bureau 253-798-7449

Program offers various forms of help to low-income and homeless veterans in Pierce County. Find help with rent, utility and heating bills and food assistance.

Saint Martin of Tours phone (253) 970-9037)

Program runs a multitude of housing and rental programs. Also access landlord and tenant dispute resolution.

Homeless Prevention Programs  (206) 694 – 6767

Program offers referrals to rent help to prevent an eviction.

Diversion is a form of Eviction Prevention. Non-profits in the region may have money to help rehouse families as well stop a tenant from being evicted. ESG grants may be used for paying rent, the distribution of motel vouchers to the homeless, and utility or security deposit costs. Other support is offered too for low income families struggling with rental expenses.

More information on Pierce County eviction help:

Tacoma Power:

This link provides information around utility updates. (Currently the lobby is closed) There is also a link to the utility bill assistance on-line application. There are extra funds and higher income requirements.

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