For six months after the city moratorium is lifted by the Mayor, Seattle residence experience a financial hardship and who submit a declaration can use non-payment of rent as a defense to an eviction (CB 119784).
Additionally, González introduced a second bill (CB 119788) that would more clearly set up payment plans for back rent between tenants and landlords.
A tenant who fails to pay rent when due during, or within six months after the termination of, the civil emergency proclaimed by Mayor Durkan on March 3, 2020, may elect to pay such overdue rent in installments. The tenant shall pay one month or less of overdue rent in three consecutive, equal monthly installments. The tenant shall pay over one month and up to two months of overdue rent in five consecutive, equal monthly payments. The tenant shall pay over two months of overdue rent in six consecutive, equal monthly payments. Any remainder from an uneven division of payments will be part of the last payment. The tenant may propose an alternative payment schedule, which, if the landlord agrees to it, shall be described in writing and signed by the tenant and landlord and deemed an amendment to any existing rental agreement.
“The goal of these two pieces of legislation is to create more breathing room and flexibility for tenants as thousands wait for unemployment insurance as well as cash and/or rental assistance,” González said in the release.